{Welcome to my container 💡}
A reconfigurable sonic quilt that stores and processes memories.
Signal Lost Vest is an anti-surveillance pocket and protest tool.
A compilation of eTextile tutorials and guides.
Documentation and resources from past workshops.
A collection of zines to teach and think with.
A guide to creating your own stretch sensor and eTextile knitting loom.
A quilt that collects and shares your data.
An artist-run residency at the center of textiles, computation, and electronics.
Garments that weaving biometric data as commitment ceremony.
Embedding digital and ancestral knowledge into physical form.
Weaving an alternative history of electrical generation.
A set of guiding principles for the wearables we want.
Learning experiences designed for more equitable access to CS education.
Ongoing projects worth sharing and iterating.
A compilation of past projects.